welcome to the department of philosophy

The Department of Philosophy tries to provide its students a wide variety of interesting courses that address moral issues to attain social good and moral values. Philosophy deals with the fundamental propaganda and concept of social life in their epistemological and axiological aspects with a view to elaborate the higher synthesis of the social sciences and to define their place in the universe. Philosophy being the most practical courses of study, the department tries to impart skills that will be useful not only in any career but also in personal life.  The study of philosophy will enable one to think carefully, critically, and with clarity, take a logical approach to address challenging questions and examining hard issues, reason well and evaluate the reasoning of others and discuss sensibly. Our motto is to help students to develop intellectual abilities important for life as a whole, beyond the knowledge and skills required for any particular profession, thus enhancing the analytical, critical, and interpretative capacities applicable to any subject matter and in any human contex

Courses offered:
  • B.A. Pass Course

Faculty Strength : 02

Name Qualification Teaching Experience
Dr. Pallavi Sharma MA (Philosophy),B.Ed., Ph.D. (IITG), NET, SLET 9 Year
Mrs. Padumi Deka M.A. (Philosophy), M.Phil., B.Ed., SLET 24 Years