welcome to the department of sociology

The Department of Sociology of NEF College was established in 2018 with the introduction of pass & major course in Three Year Degree Course. The department introduced M.A. in Sociology in the year 2019. It is being developed as a centre of excellence in the area of Sociology. The department provides students a solid grounding in sociological theory, thought and research methodology. It has highly qualified and dedicated faculty members who closely interact with the students and provide them continuous feedback to improve their performance, achieve their career goals and also contribute to the development of society with a focus on the marginalised sections of society

Courses offered:
  • B.A. Pass Course
  • B.A. Major in Sociology
  • M.A. (Sociology)
Faculty Strength : 05

Photo Name Qualification Teaching Experience

Dr. Rinku Borah MA (Sociology), NET, SLET, Ph.D. 14 Years

Ms. Padminee Goswami MA (Sociology), NET, Ph.D.(Pursuing) 7 Years

Ms. Ruchita Basumatary MA (Sociology), M.Phil., NET, Ph.D. (Pursuing) 6 Years

Mr. Kalpa Jyoti Nath MA (Sociology), M.Phil., NET, 6 Years

Ms. Rupaleem Deka MA (Sociology), SLET 3 Years